How To Clean Your Pool

 Cleaning Your Pool Is Easy But It Takes Time

Swimming Pool Maintenance Steps

Clean water and balanced water chemistry are the keys to pool maintenance. Establish a weekly routine to clean the pool and maintain the chemical balance. A shock treatment solves and prevents the majority of pool problems. Test the pH and free available chlorine in the pool water and shock-treat, if necessary, on a weekly basis. Do an additional shock treatment if any of the following occurs:

  • Very heavy rains and windstorms
  • More swimmers than usual
  • Foul odor from the pool water
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Swimmers with burning, red eyes
  • Algae growth
  • Murky, slimy water

Step 1

Balance Your Swimming Pool

Balance Your Pool
When we talk about properly balanced pool water, we mean it has just the right pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels. Maintain correct levels and everything should run smoothly. Proper balancing keeps your metal equipment and accessories from corroding and plaster surfaces from etching. It also prevents scale formation that can damage pool equipment, stain surfaces and cloud your water. Best of all, it prevents eye and skin irritation.

Step 2

Chlorinate Your Swimming Pool

Chlorinate Your Pool

Bacteria and algae are unwanted guests at any pool party. Your continuous chlorine level should always fall between 1 and 4 ppm for proper sanitation and to prevent bacteria and algae. There are a variety of options available to help you keep your pool clean.

  • Basic Chlorinating Tabs - Slow-dissolving chlorinating tablets, found in both 1-inch and 3-inch sizes, keep your water clear. Most chlorinating tablets have a built-in stabilizer to protect your chlorine from sunlight burn-off. Chlorinating tablets can be used in your floating dispenser, skimmer or automatic chlorinator.
  • Liquid Chlorine - Liquid chlorine is similar to the bleach you use in your household, but is two to three times stronger when formulated for pools. Liquid chlorine is easy to apply and an effective sanitizer, but it has a short shelf life compared to other chlorine products. It can't be stored for more than a few weeks.
  • Chlorinating Tabs - Many varieties of chlorine sanitizers offer a multifunctional approach to pool care. There are a variety of chlorinating tabs available to sanitize your pool and keep it in great shape for swimming, while shocking your pool to remove contaminants. Other varieties kill bacteria and control algae, while softening your water and protect pool equipment.
  • Chlorinating Granules - Multifunctional granular chlorine products can help you perform several tasks at once by chlorinating, shocking and killing algae with a single, daily application.

Step 3

Shock Your Swimming Pool

Shock Your Pool

Shocking should be done weekly, without fail. It can get rid of contaminants that cause cloudy water, chlorine odor and eye irritation, while also preventing future problems and reducing the need for other chemicals. There are a variety of shock products for use in any pool.

  • Basic Shock Products - Basic shock products help kill bacteria and break down cosmetics, suntan lotions, perspiration and other swimmer wastes that can't be filtered out of pool water. Shocking with basic shock products reduces chlorine odor and eye irritation, and it helps to keep your pool sparkling clear.
  • Multifunctional Shock Products - Multifunctional shock products quickly restore water clarity by effectively destroying bacteria and swimmer wastes, while also balancing pH, enhancing filtration and adding additional algae protection. Many shock products get you back in the pool extra-fast, as soon as 15 minutes after treatment.

Step 4

Add Algaecide to Your Pool

Add Algaecide to Your Pool

Like an alien invasion, millions of tiny microscopic plants in the form of algae can march into your pool by rain, wind and fill water. Leave it unchecked and your water will quickly become unusable due to clogged filters, low water circulation and reduced effectiveness of pool chemicals. Algaecides prevent algae from taking over the pool, and they treat algae growth if gets started.

Looking for fast results? Some algaecides quickly kill all types of algae and prevent them from returning. Other algaecides focus specifically on preventing and removing green algae, which is the most common kind found in a pool. Prevention is the key to an algae-free pool. In the case of an algae outbreak, algaecides can quickly and efficiently eliminate the problem and restore your pool to sparkling clear.

Step 5

Clean Your Swimming Pool

Clean the Pool

1. Skim debris out of the pool.
2. Clean all skimmer baskets during swimming season.

1. Test the water.
2. Clean the walls and floor. Use cleaners, brushes and vacuums recommended by the pool manufacturer. Start at the shallow end and continue to the deep end. Overlap each stroke when vacuuming and brushing to cover all areas thoroughly. Always keep the vacuum head under water while in use. To speed up the process, dedicate 10 minutes a day to brushing down the walls.
3. Hose down the pool area after cleaning and before using. Direct the spray away from the pool to prevent dirt from washing into the water.


To get your pool in tip top shape, you have to stay on it. Its a daily process that takes time but the effort is surely worth it! Nothing wows your visitors other than a sparkling and clean backyard pool. 

We've worked with one of our clients Buying Nevada Houses, located in Las Vegas, Nevada for many years. They've mentioned to us that, nothing sells your Las Vegas house faster than a beautiful backyard pool!

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